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Cauliflower Recipes Your Little One Will Love

cauliflower baby food recipesHave you introduced your baby to cauliflower yet? If not, is it because your own childhood memories of cauliflower make you reluctant to ‘inflict’ it on your baby?

When we wrote about cauliflower in an issue of our newsletter last year, we received LOTS of responses from parents who rarely ate it as adults because they clearly remembered it being the vegetable they loved to hate as children! And we can empathize 100% – it seems that past generations of parents tended to cook cauliflower and other vegetables to death… past the point of crisp deliciousness and getting them to the stage where they were soggy and (frankly) horrible!

But one of our favourite emails last year was from a mom who tried out some of the cauliflower recipes we suggested by sharing them with her baby – and discovered a love for this nutritious vegetable that she never knew she had!

So if YOU’RE tempted to bypass our new Cauliflower Baby Food Recipes page because you think your baby will never appreciate cauliflower as a part of his menu, we hope the delicious dishes we suggest may change your mind!

Cauliflower is highly nutritious and can be served in all sorts of ways – even (sneakily) as part of a topping for shepherd’s pie!

Learn more about how and when to introduce it and try our yummy cauliflower baby food recipes here!

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