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Easy Cheesy Whole Wheat Scones

If your baby is at the stage where he is managing to feed himself little sandwiches or bagel pieces, then why not try whipping up these yummy cheese scones for him?

Our little ones just LOVED these, straight from the oven whilst they’re still nice and warm – and they’re great with just a little butter or with a topping of cream cheese.

You can also try mixing the cream cheese topping with a little apricot fruit puree – sounds weird, I know, but the combination of savoury and sweet is really tasty!

Easy cheesy whole wheat scones for baby

To make Easy Cheesy Whole Wheat Scones you will need…

4 oz (1 cup) plain/all purpose flour
4 oz (1 cup) whole wheat/wholemeal flour
4 level tsp baking powder
2 oz (1/4 cup) butter
pinch mustard powder (this won’t make the scones hot, but gives a richer flavour)
4 oz (1 cup) Cheddar cheese, finely grated
milk for mixing (around 1/2 cup)

Preheat the oven to 450 deg F (230 deg C).

Mix the two types of flour in a bowl with the baking powder, mustard powder and black pepper.

Rub in the butter until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs, then stir in the grated cheese.

Stir in enough milk to achieve a soft rolling consistency, then roll out to a thickness of 1/2 inch.*

Cut into whatever shapes you choose – we actually used a tall glass to cut these as we like the size and shape of the scone it produces!).

(NOTE: This recipe yields around 10 scones – if you decide to freeze some for future use, we recommend freezing the uncooked dough at this point, rather than cooking the scones first, then freezing them).

Place on a greased baking tray and bake for 10-15 minutes. You can tell when the scones are ready by pressing the sides – they should feel firm.
Cool and serve!


Keep your work surface (and your rolling pin) clean by rolling the dough between 2 sheets of greaseproof paper!

More information about introducing cheese to your baby

More infant finger food ideas

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