Today we have another tasty recipe for you created by mommy Katte Shannon from Canada.
Katte – a visitor to our website – kindly shared three wonderful recipes last week for finger foods made with leftover purees. Today’s recipe is for another finger food, this time using a fruit puree and peanut butter.
Peanut butter used to be a big no-no as a baby food ingredient, but over recent years the guidelines have changed and parents are now encouraged to introduce peanuts to most babies well before their first birthday.
Please see this page for more information about introducing peanuts to your baby
This recipe also contains whole oats, which are only suitable for babies very comfortable with eating finger foods and chewing well. If you are concerned about offering whole oats to your baby, try grinding them instead.
Learn more about offering oats to your baby
Fruity Peanut Butter Bites
1 cup fruit puree*
1/2 cup peanut butter**
1/2 cup raisins
3 cups oats
1. Puree fruit, peanut butter and raisins until smooth
2. Add to oats in a bowl
3. Roll into balls or patties***
4. Chill for 30 minutes.
* You can use any fruit puree or sweet vegetable puree, like sweet potato or carrots. I used stewed apples I made.
** You can use any substitute for peanut butter Like almond, WOWBUTTER®, sunflower etc
Keep refrigerated. Balls or patties can be frozen for one month or kept in the fridge for 4 days. I make patties as they are easier to freeze, quicker to thaw and easy to cut into smaller pieces for little one.
Thank you once again, Katte, for sharing your fantastic recipes 🙂
Fruity Peanut Butter Bites for Baby

Perfect for babies who are feeding themselves and ideal as a travel snack, these tasty treats contain just 4 ingredients!
- 1 cup fruit puree*
- 1/2 cup peanut butter**
- 1/2 cup raisins
- 3 cups oats
- Puree fruit, peanut butter, and raisins until smooth.
- Add to oats in a bowl
- Roll into balls or patties
- Chill for 30 minutes.
You can use any fruit puree or sweet vegetable puree, like sweet potato or carrots.
Keep refrigerated.
Balls or patties can be frozen for one month or kept in the fridge for 4 days. Patties are easier to freeze, quicker to thaw, and easy to cut into smaller pieces for baby.
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