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Melba Toast – A Great Baby Finger Food

Melba Toast – that delightfully light and crispy toast that is often served with soup – makes a really good finger food for babies, too!

Ideal for dipping into foods like purees and sauces, Melba Toast is best suited to older babies who have already been introduced to finger foods. Our little ones were enjoying Melba Toasts with various pureed veggie dips from around 8 months of age – thanks to the light and delicate texture, they found the toast very easy to gum!

Melba toast for baby

Remember, though, that all babies develop differently – and you should use your discretion when offering finger foods to your little one.

Today we’re going to tell you how to make Melba Toast at home – it really is VERY easy to do and homemade Melba Toast is (surprise, surprise) cheaper than the store-bought alternative!

All you’ll need is…

2 slices of bread (choose whole grain bread for its nutritional benefits)

a very sharp knife

First, toast your slices on bread on both sides.
Now, place the toast slices on a cutting board and remove the crusts.
Next, turn the knife on its side and cut the slices of bread in half horizontally (not vertically), giving you a total of 4 very thin slices of bread that are toasted on one side only.

Making melba toast

Please note: we find it easiest to do this with a sharp, serrated knife. If your knife is not sharp enough, then you’ll find this step VERY tricky.
Cut each slice into 4 triangles, then place them all under the broiler/grill – untoasted side up – and cook until golden.

…And that’s it!

You’ll know have 16 little triangles of melt-in-the-mouth Melba Toast – pop them into a sealed airtight container and they’ll usually keep for 3-4 days!

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When Can I Give My Baby Toast? - The Homemade Baby Food Recipes Blog

Wednesday 22nd of November 2017

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