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Safety Warning Regarding Bumbo Baby Seats

THE CPSC has issued a warning this month regarding the use of Bumbo Baby Seats, those little foam seats into which you can sit a baby without the use of restraints.

Despite the warnings against doing so, many parents have chosen to sit these seats on elevated surfaces such as counter tops. This has led to babies falling, in some cases experiencing fractured skulls and other injuries.

Perhaps more worrying, though, is that there are many additional reports of babies being injured after falling from Bumbos that were placed on the floor.

The manufacturer’s instructions do state that the seats

“may not prevent release of your baby in the event of vigorous movement.”

If your baby is like any of ours, there tend to be rather a lot of ‘vigorous movements’ – so it really is a good idea to ONLY use the Bumbo when you can sit alongside your child and be available to prevent any accidents. We would not recommend looking at the Bumbo as a secure spot to leave your baby if you need to do something else.

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